Willkomen Y'all!
The Austin Polka Band is a rotating ensemble of veteran musicians who love performing and doing our part to preserve and share polka, waltzes, marches, and other traditional central European music styles here in Central Texas.
We are professional musicians from all walks of life who, for one reason or another, landed right here in Austin, Texas. The Austin Polka Band has been performing for more than 20 years, and many of our band members have more than 40 years of music experience!
Give your next gathering some Gemütlichkeit with the Austin Polka Band!

In Heaven
Our repertoire includes your classic Polka favorites from Germany, Poland, Bohemia, Austria and even the U.S.A., along with a few pieces you may never have heard! Waltzes, schottisches, marches, show tunes, folk tunes ... our tune list goes on and on. We're not trying to toot our own horns here (OK, maybe we are) but if you add up our individual years of merry music making, we've been at it since before Mad King Ludwig tried on his first pair of lederhosen!

In Texas
"Ein Prosit der Gemütlichkeit," heard in lusty chorus in bierhalls from Bavaria to Central Texas is loosely translated as "a space or state of warmth, friendliness and good cheer."
Since 2002, the Austin Polka Band has served up a heaping helping of Texas-style Gemütlichkeit for celebrations, reunions, special events, parades and of course Oktoberfest!
Contact us for a quote today and add a little Oktoberfest and a lot of Gemütlichkeit to your next gathering!